Welcome to the Senior Adults Ministry at FBC Geraldine!

At FBC Geraldine, we cherish the wisdom, experience, and fellowship our senior adults bring to our church family. Our Senior Adults Ministry is dedicated to providing a welcoming space for spiritual growth, service, and community engagement for the seasoned generation of our congregation.

A Vibrant Community of Faith and Service

Our seniors are not just active; they are the heartbeat of FBC Geraldine, inspiring us all with their dedication and missional hearts. Whether it's through prayer, devotion, or serving the wider community, our seniors are deeply involved in making a difference.

Weekly Gatherings and Beyond

Tuesday Mornings: Join us at the church for a special time of prayer and devotion. It's a perfect opportunity to start your week with spiritual nourishment and fellowship. This is often followed by visiting and assisting at nursing homes and assisted living facilities around the area.
Service Projects: Our commitment to serving extends beyond our doors. From nursing homes to assisted living facilities, our seniors are out in the community, sharing love, offering support, and touching lives. Our Senior Adults Ministry call themselves the S.W.A.T. Team (Seniors With a Testimony).
Release Time: Many of our senior adults contribute their time and talents to Release Time, engaging with students at the local school and participating actively across various ministries within FBC Geraldine.